Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lucky Necklace number 47

Click on photo to left to post your story about Lucky Necklace number 47.


Anonymous said...

Hi there, my name is Bex and I live in London. I was given the scroll on the 25th February by Todd who I was working with at the Tony Robbins UPW seminar. I wore the necklace for 4 days and the finally my lovely friend Cate asked that question... 'What is that?' I gave the necklace straight away and explained it's journey and now it is off to Australia. Cate was the friend who introduced my to Tony Robbins and The Secret, both of which have changed my life and I was so happy that it was her who as always was the interested one! The scroll was a wonderful gift as I have now got beautiful new friends and could share something great with my old one. Dare to Dream. Bex

Anonymous said...

What a Wonderful Story! All the way to London...that's exciting. I am excited to follow the journey to Australia and beyond. I hope that your journey is wonderful too!...Monica.